Our Vision
CCL Therapy, LLC supports each student’s ability to learn in the least restrictive environment while integrating related services without compromising a student’s program. CCL Therapy supports each student’s individual ability to learn with the added benefit of cost savings to a school district. CCL Therapy proudly stands by their vision of providing unbiased assessments, effective services and on-going professional development. In combining these practices, districts will see:
- a decrease in unwarranted referrals
- educationally relevant service recommendations
- enhanced expertise of classroom educators
- a system of intervention that reaches the needs of all students within the classroom.
Jennifer Wagner
Owner, Occupational Therapist
Jennifer Wagner MSOTR/L, owner of CCL Therapy, is a NJ licensed and registered Occupational Therapist who graduated with a Master of Science in Occupational Therapy from College Misericordia in Dallas, Pennsylvania. She has been practicing pediatric and school based Occupational Therapy for over 20 years. Jennifer continues to work in early intervention and actively treats and evaluates students in districts throughout New Jersey. She has served on numerous advisory councils and collaborates with districts in building programs to effectively manage related services in special education programs.
Our Philosophy
CCL Therapy offers assessments that provide districts with an opportunity to deliver appropriate and cost effective services. We have taken a vested interest in identifying key areas in which a disability may or may not impact a student’s functional performance within the school based setting.
We specialize in identifying children’s areas of need. CCL Therapy is able to collaborate effectively with parents and teams to develop realistic goals and effective delivery of service models. We are committed to aid in the development of individualized academically relevant programs while maintaining mandated standards and guidelines.
It is CCL Therapy’s goal to allow each student the ability to walk successfully at their own pace throughout their academic career.